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We organise and impart Corporate training in the following areas:

  1. Systems Audit including Risk Based Audit Approach covering the following aspects:

    1. Introduction to IS Audit

    2. Business Review and Audit planning

    3. Understanding and Assessing Application Controls including Short Case studies on Application controls

    4. An introduction to computer controls

    5. Control relationship

    6. Testing controls

    7. Introduction to IT Organisation

    8. Operations - overview including case studies

    9. Application development - overview including case studies

    10. Security - Logical, Physical and Environmental including case studies

    11. Business Continuity Plan

    12. COSO framework and Sarbanes Oxley Act

    13. Audit documentation

We also simulate real life audit scenarios where inspectors/auditors are taken through the audit using computers.

  1. Theoretical and hands on training on ACL, audit software. In this we take the participants through the software for its use and then take them to a branch for actual audit using the software.

  2. RDBMS and Windows training. RDBMS includes SQLs for data retrieval.